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Rock Band

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KNOXVILLEMUSICIANS.COM is run by fans, for fans. Every bit of support we can get is warmly welcome, and our members have a reputation for donating whatever they can. Do you want to help keep things running smoothly so we can continue to do what we love doing? Contribute today and make a difference!The money that is received goes into advertising the website and artist promotion, which brings more attention to local artists. When you hear an ad on the radio or even see an ad on Facebook, you will have helped pay for that. You are a supporter of the local music scene as well as a contributor to bringing attention to local artist and bands who might otherwise virtually be unknown.When you donate,we can add you to our roster of supporters or if you wish to remain anonymous,that's cool too! Send an email to stating the amount in which you wish to donate and you will be sent a paypal invoice to collect the donation!

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